Sunday, April 22, 2012

You Can Do It; Goals & Things to Look Forward To

At the end of every year I write a sort of "farewell" to everything that had happened. For 2012, I wrote A List of Rules & How to Break Them, a different take on the original idea. As it is now the end of April, obviously I had totally forgotten that darn list even existed. While not being a list of goals or resolutions per ce, it just sort of got pushed to the back of my mind once life resumed, and the romantic tides of the New Year washed away. This blog is a re-kindling of the mentality I had back then, so I decided to make a whole new list of (rather more straightforward) goals! Some of them may seem silly, or redundant, or just plain stupid- but sometimes things need to be set in stone before they become common sense.

Click below for the legible list & a little bit more info!

1. Blog at least 3 times a week.
2. Create an inspiring workspace in my new apartment.
3. Perform at an open mic night.
4. Find a day job that doesn't kill the soul.
5. Get outdoorsy! Bike rides & picnics galore.
6. Fix DSLR & take more photos!
7. Learn how to sew properly (seriously, I still haven't used the sewing machine I got for Christmas 2010!).
8. See more concerts & support the local scene.
9. Begin working on a business plan for the shop/cafe.
10. Finish designing my half-sleeve (& get it done!).
11. Start thrifting a bigger wardrobe.
12. Learn to play the harmonica (seriously!!).
14. Cook more often (and cook clean!).
15. Read (at least) 1 book a month.
16. Take "G" test (& never have to parallel park again!).
17. Start doing yoga & learn how to RELAX.
18. Make more connections in the "biz".
19. Remember what I want in life.
20. Go back to New York City (ie: travel more).
21. Learn to commit & finish what I start.

And there you have it! Hopefully this blog will help me to keep on track, I find that the second you make something public you are sworn to it. Now I have to at least attempt to follow this list or else I will have failed any followers who are crazy enough to hang around for the ride. So keep me on track, kids! And lemme know if you have any goals yourself, maybe we can help one and other to the finish line?


  1. If you move 21 up to the top I think you'd be amazed at how much more of the list would get done and how much number 4 will become a non-issue ;)

    1. Good point! And here I thought I was being clever by having it at the "finish" of my list.

    2. I can't tell if that's sarcasm or not...
